Lesson Planning for Week Four

>> Sunday, October 4, 2009

In an effort to become a bit more "scheduled" as a family (with  by two little ones, I need more structure now just to get things done!), we're getting back into Tot School.  The Little Lady will also benefit from a more structured day; right now, she is getting bored and having some issues as a result.  A few intentional activities and learning play-time will go along way in helping her stay focused on tasks/play (as opposed to those lovely "Terrible Two" Tantrums).

We're starting a new letter this week; actually, we started last week with a few activities involving Leaves.  That's right, our new letter is "L."  The Grouchy Ladybug will be our primary book for this letter, and the Little Lady will be doing a lot with Ladybugs as she learns about "L", learns about the color Black, and works on her counting and matching skills.  Currently, Ladybugs are my Little Lady's FAVORITE bugs, which is why I chose them as our main "L-word" focus.

In addition, I am starting a new component to our week: Bible Verse Memory.  Thanks to Carissa at 1+1+1=1, I purchased a CD called "Songs for Saplings."  I absolutely love it!  For each letter of the alphabet, a Bible verse has been selected and given a melody.  The Little Lady loves music and picks up new songs very quickly.  These Bible verse songs should be a GREAT way for her to learn verses/messages from the Bible.

This week's song/Verse if from 1 Samuel 16:7.

I found a ton of great resources this week for our L/Ladybug theme.  When I post pictures at the end of the week, I will include the links for all of the printables/activities I chose to use.

Here is a copy of our plan for the week:


Susan October 7, 2009 at 12:52 AM  

What terrific ideas! Can't wait to hear how it goes this week.